Thursday, August 31, 2006

Funny First Day of School

Yesterday was exciting. And sometimes the best part about crazy days are that they usually happen when you least expect them to. If you'll take a moment to read this, I would love to tell you my story.
Yesterday was my first day as a Junior in college at the University of Maryland--Shady Grove Campus. Time to celebrate with a big mug of my favorite espresso Starbucks coffee, I thought. After a wonderful time with the Lord, I proceeded to do e-mail, make my lunch, and pack up my handy-dandy white North Face backpack, which I just so happen to love. By the time I was ready to leave, I was running a few minutes late. "Hmm..." I thought..."I think I'll go the back way." As I was driving, I began to feel extremely faint, because my coffee intake had been more than my body was used to. At the stoplight, I even had to put my head on the steering wheel b/c everything started to go fuzzy. (Oh Lord, help me! But I recovered).

Now, to continue the story...The back way to campus turned out to be the long way, but it was worth it because I saw this very humorous sight. This random guy, who was probably 6' 5" and weighed close to 300 lbs, was stomping along the side of the road. He had this huge white-blonde beard and long, straight blonde hair. (I named him Gandolas--a cross between Gandolf and Legolas--from Lord of the Rings). I laughed out loud at him. Good thing my windows were rolled up.
So, 3 minutes late to my first class, even though I power-walked from my car all the way upstairs and into a seat. Not good when you are trying to make a respectable impression on your teacher and classmates. But it turned out to not be so bad, cause 3 more people strolled in after me a few minutes later. "Haha---you were later than I was" (to be read in a sing-songy, taunting voice).

Then, I had my first break. Due to the amount of coffee I had drunk, I needed to use the restroom. Now, if you get to this part of the story and think it's gross that I am going into bathroom-humour, please excuse me. Our family is pretty open about this kind of stuff. I walked in, and was the only one in the bathroom. When the time came for me to flush the toilet, I slowly watched in horror as the water began to rise, but not go down. Then, it overflowed. I hadn't noticed that whoever used the toilet before me had clogged it up and not flushed it. Bad stall selection, for sure. Good thing nobody else was in there, right? I had to then go to the front desk and subtly tell them that "umm, just thought I'd let you know...there is a toilet overflowing in the bathroom." How embarressing.

Next came my second class, which lasted 3 hours right smack in the middle of lunch-time. They didn't give us time to eat anything, so I got starved, got hypoglycemic and then shaky and irritable. By the time I got to my car, I was scarfing down my chicken, salad, and fruit at a very fast rate, and I think people walking by thought I was a poor, starving child in a '91 Volvo station-wagon who hadn't eaten a normal meal in 3 days.

And last but not least, the end of the day brought an errand to Nordstrom Rack on Shady Grove road. After returning a pair of flip-flops, I went to my car to leave. While calling a friend about a particular matter, I put my key into the ignition. As I attempted to turn over the engine, it choked and would not start. Second time, same thing. "Are you kidding me?" I thought. My friend kindly started praying. At the end of the prayer, I looked down and promptly burst out laughing. The car wasn't in park. I had my foot on the break, and the gear was in D for drive. I simply had done the second and third step before the first step. I'm such an idiot.

On days like these, all I can do is laugh and thank God for the wonderful opportunities He gives me to bless His name and trust in Him with all my heart. Regardless of what happened, how can I complain? I had my awesome, white North Face backpack on my shoulders, a delicious green apple like all my other "First-Day-of School" snacks, a cool new waterbottle, and a wonderful friend of 8 years named Elise Mays, with whom I have taken classes since 7th grade and is also doing the COMM major with me. Yep. It was a great day.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Worthy 06 Youth Retreat

The Scapegoats...

Christy, our Mother Hen, was probably off working somewhere...

6 Admin girls.
5 saved.
4 Admin boys.
3 floors to patrol at midnight.
3 healed, permanently and temporarily.
2 souls that passed each other in the night--Kathy Bowers and Sarah Faith Brewer
1 who is Worthy.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Bored, Nothing to Do

Well, not really...just for a few minutes on the way to Bethany Beach while Brett and I were in the backseat fighting for leg-room. The title of this post is actually from a book that my brother used to read when he was little. It was all about two boys who got so bored, they decided to make an airplane from all the things in their mom's house and their dad's garage. And by the time they had finished the airplane, the house and yard looked like a tornedo has blown through the land in an afternoon. So, Brett and I couldn't really do anything that dramatic. We were kind of stuck in the car. But we had a camera. And scary things happen when you have a camera. It's fun to be silly. We did our version of Zoolander's "Blue-Ice", Austin Powers, Fishy Faces, Wassup, and my personal favorite, Booger Picking. Thank goodness there's no rules about acting mature when you are 20...uhh...

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Law vs. Grace

Galations 5:1, 4-6 says: "It is FOR freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery...You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. But by FAITH we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."

The past couple of months, God has revealed me in greater depths the meaning of true grace. Legalism is enslaving; grace is freeing. Legalism is rooted in performance; grace is rooted in justification. Legalism has no hope in it, because you will fail; grace has every hope in it, because Christ did not fail on the Cross. Allowing the Gospel to inform my thoughts, words, and actions hasn't been easy every day. But knowing that "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us" ( GAL 3:13) has filled me with faith in my sanctification, because I know that it is only through HIS spirit that I will receive the righteousness 'for which I hope'. And what are we called to do? We are called to have a heart of faith in God, which expresses itself through love. But then I got stuck on the word "love": how do I obey God according to His word, and allow something as simple as "love" to be the basis of my obedience to Him? God has shown me that it means loving HIM, being satisfied in Him, applying of all the "Love is..." from 1 Cor 13...and being SO motivated by His worthiness that we begin to think of holiness as happiness. We have heard a sweeter song at Calvary. Therefore, we love Christ SO much, that we will forsake every fleshly desire and indulgence in order that we might be "for the praise of His glory." Isn't it incredible that no matter how many times we sin, God's grace and forgiveness stands firm?! We ARE free. We ARE loved. We WILL change.