Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Off to Arizona and San Diego

In less than 24 hours, Mom and I will be in Phoenix to visit Nora. I can't wait to wake up, grab a large mug filled with steaming coffee, and take my Bible and journal outside to watch the gorgeous sunrises. What a blessing! We found this amazingly cheap flight, and 10 days of vacationing couldn't have come at a more opportune time. I have been working everyday in DC for the last 2 1/2 weeks, at Brodeur (the PR agency) and for Organize4hire. I have also been reading multiple Shakespeare plays on a weekly basis for my online summer course, and writing reports on characters like Henry V and Richard II. (yawn...) So, I am pretty much wiped out, and ready to relax and enjoy mother/daughter time. After we arrive on Wednesday, the three of us are taking a road-trip to San Diego, CA from Friday to Monday, where we will stay with our good friends, the Lauterbachs. Shopping, iced mochas, and beaches, here we come! Hopefully, we will catch a sunset like this one below...I can't wait for all the memories we will make over our ten-day trip!

Thank you to googleimages for these pictures. =)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

AFRICA Jan. 3-25, 2008

Today, at 4:45pm, I booked an airfare reservation that will take me to the unknown plains and hills of Uganda and Kenya, Africa in January, 2008. Lord willing, my prayer of three years is coming true! Through the initiative of my church’s singles ministry-- Covenant Life Church--I will be joining a team of 15-20 singles and married couples for 11 days to serve at a local orphanage in Kiburara, Uganda. Located right on the northern, upper edge of Lake Victoria, our team plans to connect with a church there who has developed relationships with Covenant Life’s sister church—ChristChurch—in Wales, UK. Led by one of our Singles Ministry pastors, Jim Winn, our team is looking forward to serving at an annual Christian conference in the local villages, as well as taking care of the orphans on campus.

From there, I will travel separately to join my Dad’s first cousins—Paul and Carolyn Koning—at Rift Valley Academy (RVA), a ministry of Africa Inland Mission International. RVA is a K–12 boarding school serving about 500 students whose families represent a wider range of mission organizations and nationalities. With the campus set in Kijabe, a small town about an hour’s drive northwest of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, it exists primarily to serve missionaries by providing a quality educational experience and a safe haven for their children. When I arrive, the Konings will have already been there for 5 months, so I will just jump into whatever they need me to do to serve! Hopefully, I will be using my experience in classical piano training to assist teachers from RVA’s music program. To learn about their mission trip, and where I will be staying, visit http://koningfamily.wordpress.com/.

Scriptures that keep coming to mind as I reflect on this exciting adventure:

1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said, Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Please be praying that God will already begin working to provide us with safety, health, financial provision, wisdom, and sacrifical joy! More details to come.

Monday, July 09, 2007

In Memory of Alivia

"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all...The Lord redeems the life of his servants"

--Psalm 34:18-19, 22

Our dear friends James and Emily Haughery have just lost their sweet, little girl this past weekend. Alivia had leukemia and put up quite a little battle against it, but the Lord took her home to be with Him! We are praying for them as they host the viewing today, and conduct the funeral tomorrow morning.

Go to http://www.aliviarachelhaughery32005.blogspot.com/ for more information...

I will be wearing my "Live Strong"-like bracelet today in memory of her. A bunch of us had bought them last year as a fundraiser for her!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

funny stories from Michigan

Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Jayne Jansen! (and my 2nd-cousin Payton tagging along)

we found this plaque in the Dutch store and thought it to be quite appropriate for me

the re-proposal at Grand Haven pier

Grand Haven

returning to my roots: a cute little Dutch store where old folks sit and drink coffee together and talk in their native tongue. =)

the jansen brothers: dennis, brian, and bruce

me water-skiing: it was awesome!

the sand dunes out on the lakes are gorgeous, as you can see

at the wedding

just got home from vacationing in Grand Rapids, Michigan with my parents and Brett. we drove up on Wednesday, and just got home tonight...so long drives on the 2 days, but definitely worth it! My cousin Brad got married on Friday night, so it was fun to see all my Jansen cousins, second-cousins, and uncles/aunts. We also visited my Dad's old college roomate from 30 years ago along with his wife and two younger girls, so that was pretty cool, too. we came home having experienced beautiful 75 degree weather, awesome landscapes, sore shoulders and legs from wakeboarding/water-skiing, and some pretty funny memories along the way.

Funny Memory #1:
scene: driving to MI. i am driving. brett and dad are in the back-seat.
action: brett yelps and jumps, making my parents think that i am a horrible driver and that i was about to hit another car. however, he promptly cries out, "There's a bug crawling up my pants!" We all start laughing and asking him what type of creature it is. A few moments later, he replies, "Oh, it was a raisin." Yes, that is correct. A raisin. We had had some carrot/apple/raisin muffins earlier that morning for breakfast, and one had slipped into the leather seat. =) So, throughout the rest of our trip, we would randomly cry out, "There's a raisin up my pants!"

Funny Memory #2:
Scene: early morning. i had just woken up, and desired a hot cup of Starbucks from the store that was just a few steps away from our Marriott Comfort Inn. My Mom had just gotten some a few minutes earlier, and so I assumed that it was open and she had no problem getting in.
Action: I walk over, pass the other stores' front doors on my right, and look for the Starbucks entrance. The only door I see is for a T-Mobile Wireless. Hmmm...definitely not it. I think to myself, 'I guess I'll just have to walk through the drive-through.' Yes, without a car. I march over to the drive-through, and stand at the little spot where you are supposed to talk into the speaker. I loudly say, "Hello?" No reply. So I walk around the corner to the pick-up window, where I see two cars ahead of me waiting for their drinks. Once they get them, I walk up to the lady at the drive-through window, with a car now behind me in line. She looks a bit puzzled. I am still tired and dazed and confused. I say, "Hi, mame...I wanted to know if I could get a cup of coffee, but I couldn't find your front-door so I thought that only your drive-through was open." She slowly grins, and politely says, "The front door is right around the corner, miss. Take a left, and then another left through the first door on your left. You can pick up your coffee there."
After-thought: Am I an idiot or what? Really, there is no defending myself for this one. My family got a huge kick out of it and I must say, I deserved their teasing and ridicule.

Funny Memory #3:
Scene: Grand Haven Public Beach and Pier.
Action: My Uncle Bruce and Aunt Barb got engaged out on this huge pier by Lake Michigan many years ago. They wanted (rather, HE wanted) to re-enact the scene of their engagement on Saturday by re-proposing to her. So, trudging along multiple family members and relatives, we all walked down to the end of the pier, and set up the scene. The funniest part about the whole situation is that Aunt Barb began to actually get a bit nervous. All of these people were watching, too =) But, it was very cute and we took pictures and everyone had a good time.

Don't vacations always have a way of bringing out the best and the worst of us?! =)