Thursday, November 23, 2006


21 years ago on this day, the Lord brought me into the world at 5:43am. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that I woke up this morning around 6. *Sigh*. I am still an early bird after all these years. Speaking of birds, Happy Thanksgiving! As thousands of turkeys will grace the center of tables today across the country, I am so thankful to God for all of His bounty. Glory be to Him, not only for food and clothing and a roof over my head, but for forgiveness of sins, daily grace, and His perfect, sovereign providence over my life. This past year, He has been good. He has also been good for the last 21 years. Surely, just as the Apostle Paul asked of the Corinthians, what do I have that I did not receive? The simple answer is nothing. The Gospel, which has transformed my life forever at the moment Jesus reached out to save me, is the only thing I can and should boast of. And what a privilege to say that for 21 years, mercy has chased me, guarded me, provided for me, and sanctified me. In my desire to grasp these amazing truths, I chose to personalize the following psalm in my journal this morning. I pray that it encourages your heart as well!

Psalm 65 (modified):

'I am filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple...
You care for me and water me;
The streams of God are filled with water to provide me with grain,
for that is how you prepare me.
You drench my furrows (faith deepened)
and level my ridges; (pride weakened)
You soften me with showers (surrender needed)
and bless my crops. (generosity undeserved)

and your carts overflow with abundance.
The grasslands of My desert overflow
(your water into my dry heart)
My hills are clothed with gladness (your joy over difficult trials)
My meadows are covered with flocks
(The comforting flock of your people)
and My valleys are mantled with grain
(your all-satisfying love for my emptiness).'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 21st, friend! I can't wait to see you in a few months!
Love ya :)