Thursday, January 18, 2007

simple january days

Working: My new internship in DC has been a blessing--not only is it paid and worth 3 school credits, but I am enjoying meeting new people and learning PR skills that will serve me when I get out of school.

Music: leon fleisher's rendition of the Nocturne in D-Flat Major (Op. 27, No. 2) is amazing...I have been listening to it at work these past two weeks. even if you don't like classical music, just try listening to this mellow, peaceful music and you will be a convert.

Eating: Stella's bakery on rockville pike w/ Mom yesterday was so wonderful...we each got a decaf cap made w/ Illi espresso and then we split these 4, tiny treats: a pistachio biscotti, baklava, a sugar cookie, and an ameretto Italian almond cookie.

Reading: it is 800 pages, (I'm only around pg. 100!) set in the early 1800's in England, and involves sophisticated characters, magic, and the backdrop of the Napoleonic wars.

my well-loved Mazuno running shoes:
I have been enjoying cold, brisk walks outside, and warm, Fitness First classes inside!

Looking: A beautiful, mellow January sunset. I took this picture from the top of our roof...

Flower arranging: Lauren Lotinsky and I did this for the 10:31 youth banquet on january 13

Photography: winter berries, some alive & full, some dead & shriveled


Anonymous said...

Hey Friend~

Can't wait to see you in two days!

Jon & Jenni said...

i love reading your have a gift for photography and writing! i love ya friend!- Jenni

Jen Marie said...

mmmm wonderful wonderful... miss you girly... we need to catch up! i'm on break! call me tomorrow... :)